I work for Expert CRM Services Limited, a company which I founded, where I am the Principal Consultant.

My first experience of Dynamics was with Microsoft Dynamics CRM version 1.2 (released in 2004). I’ve worked with the product since then and seen it evolve through various versions and brandings into the Power Platform.
I can fulfil different types of roles and my experience includes functional consulting, data-modelling, customizing, migration and preparation and delivery of training courses.
I have worked with many Microsoft Dynamics resellers and partners on sales demonstrations in a pre-sales technical capacity and undertaken business process analysis projects. I have also worked directly with Microsoft Business Solutions on courseware and exam development projects.
I’ve been a Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT) since 1999. In order to qualify as an MCT I attended a Train-the-Trainer course.
I’ve delivered many courses to many hundreds of students. As an experienced trainer I am able to recognise and engage with a variety of learning styles in students.
During 2006 and 2007 I delivered a 2-day Train-the-Trainer course on behalf of Microsoft Business Solutions on several occasions for students preparing to become Microsoft Certified Trainers for Dynamics products.
I worked as a Hands-on-Lab Proctor for Microsoft’s Tech-Ed and Convergence conferences on several occasions. Proctors provide guidance to conference delegates who are working through computer-based exercises.
Microsoft Certifications
You can see my Microsoft certifications and exam passes at https://mcp.microsoft.com/Anonymous/Transcript/Validate.
My Transcript ID is 661259 and the Access Code is ExpertCRM.
Badge Gallery
I’ve collected a number of badges from Microsoft for my various exam passes overs the years. Here are some of the more recent ones. To see the whole collection, have a look at Credly.