Multi-series charts

When you create a chart with multiple series, the chart editor insists on adding a secondary y axis scale. This is probably something that you don’t want because if you have two or more series comparing similar items the scaling will be different for each series.

There is no way to remove the secondary y axis scale in the editor. However, it can be removed by editing the chart XML. To do this:

  1. Export the chart XML.
  2. Open the XML file in your favourite editor.
  3. Look for the YAxisType=”Secondary” property in one of the Series tags.

<Series ChartType=ColumnIsValueShownAsLabel=TrueFont={0}, 9.5pxLabelForeColor=59, 59, 59CustomProperties=PointWidth=0.75, MaxPixelPointWidth=40YAxisType=Secondary></Series>

  1. Delete the property

<Series ChartType=ColumnIsValueShownAsLabel=TrueFont={0}, 9.5pxLabelForeColor=59, 59, 59CustomProperties=PointWidth=0.75, MaxPixelPointWidth=40></Series>

  1. Save the XML file.
  2. Import the chart and select the Replace option.

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