Saving email credentials in Server-Side Synchronization

  • Server-Side Synchronization is a new feature in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 that can remove the need to install and run the Email Router. When configuring Server-Side Synchronization, if you are not using SSL for the CRM website the following will not work:
  • Saving email credentials in email server profiles and mailbox records
  • Entering connections to servers that do not use SSL

This is not an issue in Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online because that uses SSL. In an on-premises deployment, you can disable the requirement to use SSL though this is only recommended for testing purposes. Using SSL prevents the tranmission of unencrypted passwords.

To disable the requirement a setting in the DeploymentProperties table in the MSCRM_CONFIG database must be changed. The recommended way to do this is using the PowerShell.

On the CRM server, start PowerShell and add the Microsoft Dynamics CRM cmdlets.
add-pssnapin Microsoft.Crm.Powershell

To allow the use of credentials when not using SSL, run the following commands.

$itemSetting = new-object 'System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair[String,Object]' ("AllowCredentialsEntryViaInsecureChannels",1)

$configEntity= new-object "Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Deployment.ConfigurationEntity"

$configEntity.LogicalName = "Deployment"

$configEntity.Attributes=new-object "Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Deployment.AttributeCollection"


set-CrmAdvancedSetting -Entity $configEntity

To allow the use of connections to servers that do not use SSL, run the following commands.

$itemSetting = new-object 'System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair[String,Object]' ("ECAllowNonSSLEmail",1)

$configEntity= new-object "Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Deployment.ConfigurationEntity"

$configEntity.LogicalName = "Deployment"

$configEntity.Attributes=new-object "Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Deployment.AttributeCollection"


set-CrmAdvancedSetting -Entity $configEntity

To enforce the use of SSL, repeat the above commands replacing the 1 in the KeyValuePair line with a 0.

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